Ami Xi 阿米西 Ā mǐ xī   ONLINE publication sponsored by ;The Qiverse Ariadne The Awakening and or

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This is a READ ONLY ONLINE title - Copyright and intellectual property rights are protected by international copyright. NO use of this material other than READ ONLY online is permitted Copying PLAIGERISM and other infringement of copyright and intellectual property rights may result in legal action. The contents of this,. characters, placesm events and more including images portrayed and similar are fictitious THIS IS FICTION.

Aria in the Caribbean from Ami Xi Ariadne The Awakening online book Caribbean. Lush, plush and totally cosseted, Chai was by the pool chilling out whilst lover boy was collecting drinks and food for the forthcoming boat trip.

Her American English had proven one again beneficial as she ordered those items. The boat and other necessities had been acquired by Toimi with Xyulov who she was glad to see the back of, in tow.

“I don’t like him.” Chai had made it clear to Toimi. “He gives me the creeps everytime following us around like some dog at your heels. As for coming on this trip with us, you better have a good reason for having him along.”

Toimi had almost pleaded with her that he was good for sorting out the luggage, doing some minor servant style work and generally helping to deter any incidents that might occur should her father send others to bring her back home?

Surprisingly Chai was of the opinion he might be right on that. Over the last five years of her being abroad he had on several occasions taken it upon himself to send males in to deter wannabe suitors who took it upon themselves to make themselves known to her, in pursuit mainly of the wealth her father’s companies had that she would have one day maybe, inherited.

She loved the big strong muscular Norwegian males. Finding similar traits in Toimi had made her somewhat lusting after getting closer, skin to skin something her father hitherto had successfully managed to stop from happening.

On the Mongolian steppes the wild untethered stallion had taken his prize, pleasuring her to new found heights was an understatement. Raw uninhibited and it had been a bonus for him that all he had learned from his regular trips to the whorehouse had not been money spent in vain. She was to the point obsessed with having as much as she could, when she wanted and a her whim.

The truth was, he could understand how the whores felt. She would dictate when they had sex, not made love; sex on demand with payment in the form of dressing him, providing food and drink, now the exotic how many of your kind will ever get to see the Caribbean ? Ah yes, bow down before me your mistress, your master.

“It’s ready.” Xyulov put the map on the table pointing to the spot out at sea where they would take the boat to complete their task. “We’ll drop anchor and early tomorrow morning there should not be anyone around to be of any concern, though some might be useful re witnesses, if we are to convince others that an accident occured?”

“You are to blame.” Chang was talking to Chai’s mother. “Too much freedom to do what she wanted and disrespecting her family. I feel angry at Soi but in fairness she was used to hide the truth of what was going on and I suspect thown aside after.” He paused sucked in his breath unwilling to say Chai’s name. “Soi had been her closest friend from age 4 and now? No word from the one she was close to nor apology for her having to suffer because of what she has done.”

Soi was angry. That sense of having been used was little in comparison to a feeling of betrayal by Chai. They had travelled abroad, been through some major events and experiences that simply bolstered the bond between them but now? Chai had shown a side to her that until now had been hidden from her.

Disappointment coupled with a realization that she felt almost worthless. Chang had apologised to her which had helped subside a little of the rage within and he had given her her job back with a bonus as a way of compensating her but it still not wholly dissolve her of that guilt she felt towards the family. Yet, what could she have done to prevent all that had transpired? On reflection did Chai ever really listen to any advice Soi gave her; seldom if ever.

Elsewhere in the Caribbean the boat had left port and was headed out to sea. Xylov had noticed their boat was tailing behind another bigger boat on which several figures were sat drinking and laughing.

“Your sister Rachel is not with us.” The UK male, David, grinned. “I know you like her but Frank honestly, I’d think again, she’s a hellcat when it comes to relationships, a Tasmanian devil would be easier to date than her.” He started laughing not it would seem appreciated by Frank who was quick to come to her defence.

“Oh come on, would I have expected anything from someone who has spent most of his life around his sister? Who would you have cook your food, make sure the laundry is done and as for her skills in management helping you over the years to establish your business interests not just in the UK but across the world?”

Ah point well made. David had to agree Frank who was now grinning and his sister Lucy was now voicing her opinion also in Rachel’s favor. “OK, ok! I surrender, she has her good points and she makes a wicked Tequila sunrise.” “So where is she?” “Making phone calls for me to Phil in Shanghai and Rick in Seoul. We’re expanding our business in Seoul over the next few months.”

“I hear you are cutting back your business in China.” David nodded. “The cost is rising all the time and the restrictions they bring in to hinder trade with them is driving me up the wall. Trump was right to bring in his trade war, they export three, no four times as much to the USA; or did.”

“He’s right, they take, import; a minor amount and we won’t go into the politics of copyright, intellectual property right infringements and worse. That new mix adapter we’ve patented, the Chinese will find some way to clone their own and sell losing us revenue again; IF we let them; that’s why we have installed some restrictions on the sales to them.”

Lucy had shifted to sit next to David. “Sooner or later they will source that device from somewhere else.” David agreed with her. “I’m hoping the delay will give us time to make enough sales whilst they do that, to cover us re research and development costs.

Luckily it appears Phil has been making some contacts in the Philippines who are interested in buying the gear from us apart from his trip to Thailand in the next few weeks, they’ve already signed up to buying some container loads from us of our main goods including the new adaptors.”

“Anyway David, enough talk of business.” Mia now appeared on deck and poured herself a drink.
“Here’s to another awesome trip to the Caribbean and that beach house of yours David is bloody fantastic even if Frank.” She raised her glass “Cheers to my husband who can’t be here and I do miss though I am meeting him in Pattaya in a few weeks time.”

“Time to drop anchor and do a spot of fishing whilst you girls chill.” A while later the sunset was being observed followed by a late meal and some more drinks. Lights dimmed and the usual warning lights on everyone was drifting off to sleep with the soft swell of the water brushing against the boat.

A short distance from them, the cabin cruiser anchored was also bobbing in the light swell of the water. Chai was taking full advantage of the moment to sate her lust re her stud. On the top of the cabin cruiser laid out on the roof Xyulov had a pair of headphones blasting music in his ears consoling himself with the thought that it would not be long before that whore would be gone from his life and he would be cashing in on a very rich outcome.


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