
Despite its SIZE : the number of countries in the European community -

It has failed to respond to the TRUTH re

  • · Neglected border controls and allowed those who are NOT in the EU to traverse those borders
    under the guise of ‘refugees’ migrants but TRUTH is ILLEGAL immigrants.
  • · Pandered to the whims of those who want to traverse borders as legit EU travellers YET all too often
    • · Have NO work lined up in whatever country they travel to IN ADVANCE
    • · Arrive in the host country and end up BEGGING on the streets OR committing crime for monetary gain.
    • · End up doing i.e cleaning and minor work NOT professional or skilled work. taking work from our own citizens.
    • · Using their EU right to migrate borders when PROFESSIONALS from other non EU countries who want to come and work in our country can’t UNLESS they pass entry requirements to do so.
    • · Will ignore the rules and regulations pertaining to working hours and the statutory rate of pay simply to take work from citizens of the UK / Allowing bosses to violate the rules of emploiyment to suit their own ends with cheap labor, no controls on working hours, in some cases sweat shop conditions of employment breaking the law on health and safety.
    • · Force entitlement to housing that is already critically short for those in need, depriving those who need it of their legitimate RIGHT to it.
    • · Cross border migrants often commit vandalism, defaecate wherever they choose, litter at will and can be involved in criminal activities, trafficking, smuggling, intimidation, extortion.
    • · When in Rome do as the Romans do apparently does NOT apply to them. They seldom have respect for the laws and customs of the host country but scream if they cannot be allowed to do as they see fit, as they would have in their own country regardless of how some might see such practices as bordering on criminal (Peddicab drivers charging our tourists £5 a minute) is just one simple example..
    • · Disrespect for their women is another issue which most of us in the UK find abhorrent and yet we’ve seen examples of how they carry that on in cases of sexual abuse http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-35115874 Why should we not be able to insist that if they wish to be in our country that women should NOT be forced to wear the ‘Burka’?
      France we know has banned in public, the wearing of the Niqāab which covers the face.
      One of the terrorists in the Paris attacks was a female and for recognition of any female attacker re CCTV et why should we not insist on being able to capture someone’s facial image - Not end up hunting for a female terrorist who we don’t, thanks to the Niqab know what they look like?
  • · Whoever enters the UK is a possible threat to us. Let’s not be complacent in this Trojan horse that occurs on a daily basis as more and more migrants trample our soil.
    That’s NOT to say that ALL migrants are responsible for acts of terrorism BUT we can clearly see a pattern where OUTSIDERS influence decisions made by others who end up committing such acts of TERRORISM.

What we want in the UK is simple. As is the case in Australia, Canada, USA and many other countries the right to have controls in place governing immigration. The Right of Passage. Why not?

Look at Greece. They not only had major monetary problems but thanks to the Turkish scum of traffickers, extortionist border guards and police from that country taking bribes, money, belongings from the so called ‘refugees’ sending them off in boats to ILLEGALLY breach Greece’s borders in flagrant violation of international law..

Do the Turks give a ! about that? Allowing anyone desiring to connect with ISIS to do so. They let through huge numbers of those who we are now fighting, to join up with ISIS -FACT!

What does the EU propose? Give Turkish people the right to travel freely across Europe, pay them millions to bribe them to put in place what they should have in the first place, border control that stops ILLEGAL migrants from being trafficked - robbed.

Note the ALLOWING Turkish people the right to travel across Europe freely and as long as we are in the EU that applies to us?! Those same traffickers who got rich off the backs of those unfortunate to cross their path? What makes you think those Turks won’t indulge in passport forgery and more to allow ISIS scum to penetrate into our country? Merkel

Ah yes the wonderful wisdom of German Chancellor Merkel who spouts that we should welcome the FLOOD of migrants with open arms.

The German people have not only had to endure the Eastern bloc amalgamation with the fall of the Berlin wall but now she wants them to embrace anyone and everyone at the expense, the taxing of resources taken from the German people to accomodate the rantings of someone who we are led to believe is an intelligent, well versed in politics, savvy female.

The German people have voiced their opinions and I won’t traverse their thoughts on her heresy as they are I am sure in the main far too graphically poignant re ever having elected her to office, where they’re concerned.

What she does emulate are those within the EU states who are leaders who have the same sentiments and demonstrate WHY we need to step back from the EU. They’re all part of this club where as I’ve said

they’ve failed, not to grow but to mature.


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