
We’re an amazing country.
Let’s stop being modest about it to please those who stand in our shadow.

It’s not that we’ve always gotten it right. Over centuries it’s taken a little while at times to stop burning Catholics or Christians at the stake, let alone witches et Yet out of that came RELIGIOUS tolerance and where in the world can you subject a female to wearing a Burqa, wearing the Niqab to cover their face ?

In short terms, denigrate that female ? Why shouldn’t we say NO to this practice. If you want to carry on in that manner then go somewhere where it is not forbidden.
But we do allow it though given the security issues I suspect that may be up for a rethink.

What we have done repeatedly is show the world that we can stand alone, we can rise to the fight if we have to like a lion roused to not just roar but stay clear of our teeth and claws when we do.

The concept of the EU was a brilliant idea but it failed because those who had the helm failed to navigate the waters of CHANGE.

If you fail to have controls in place, it creates a free for all, a bit like the January sales but totally Black Friday gone crazy with thousands nay millions in the fray.

You can’t have a populace without laws NOR an immigration situation without CONTROLS that those who are IMMIGRANTS, wannabe MIGRANTS think they can openly flout.

Looking on at the EU and how it handles migration is like looking on a pantomime - without the laughs.
Throw in how many BILLIONS pour into the EU coffers and you wonder why the hell they can’t get it right.

BUT then Turkey outside of the EU openly flouted international laws and the laws of morality by taking bribes extorting monies and goods from those migrants in return for the freedom to travel across its country, we won’t say borders, it has none, if you can pay that is. Leaving others to pick up the bill.

WHO allowed those joining up with ISIS to travel in their country without checks et? TURKEY

it would like to think that it’s all powerful club can force us into submission, to bend at their will and yet again how sad it is given how many have to thank us for their being able to have an opinion who forget that survival is another word for being BRITISH.

Do we want to be part of an empire that cannot control its borders, has rogue countries bending the rules to suit themselves and the EU not being able to do anything about it?

Putting themselves at risk re terrorism but also US ? Because they won’t put migration controls into place that should have been in place years ago.

If it was my country under attack from ISIS or others I’d stand and fight, NOT turn and run away at the first sign of being challenged. I’d ask for those able to deliver to help us with the training, the weapons, the means to fight back. OK so we might lose at first but long term ? I’d sooner die for my beliefs than be a coward.Cowards

That is what separates me as a BRIT from those who are migrants fleeing their HOMES their FAMILIES their TRADITIONS their WAY of life claiming to be running away from ISIS / terrorists when in truth it’s simply them wanting US to fight their battles for them and for them to put down roots elsewhere at our expense. In short COWARDS and worse still how pitiful they are when it comes to seeing WOMEN who are prepared to stand and fight whilst they run away.


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