
The truth lies in WHO the BRIT is. We’ve shown the WORLD over the centuries our tenacity, our diversity, our creativity and WHY we remain a focal country when it comes to standing sometimes against the odds, for WHO we ARE.

We allowed ourselves to be swallowed up in the vision of Europe that was in the beginning a great concept. Over the last five years, it has shown us how flawed it is when it comes to the ability to ADAPT, IMPROVISE, OVERCOME but most of all CHANGE to suit the times.

Failure in maintaining and upholding what IS an essential to any global economy.
SECURITY of its borders, its peoples its ability to BE in control and to prevent what has happened with the invasion of those who purport to be refugees and yet are anything but, criminals AND worst of all TERRORISTS hiding in amongst refugees.

Those who come into other countries expecting them to GIVE them what they DEMAND and if they don’t get what they want turn to violence, rape, physical abuse, criminal activities, vandalism and intimidation.

The fault lies in those countries such as Poland, Romania and and.. NOT providing for their own people. As part of the EU they should have been forced to put in place a MINIMUM wage that is comparable to other EU countries, develop jobs and work opportunities in their own countries THAT is a concept of the EU that here has failed and why their own people look elsewhere to earn up to 4 times what they would earn in their own country.

It became clear when those countries joined the EU that their admission to the EU was a politically based decision NOT one where their contribution to the EU community was weighed and judged accordingly. IF that had been the case one wonders if they would have gotten in; probably NOT.

When I say politically, lets face it. The only reason the EU wanted them in was because it converts them to EUROPEAN thinking and control NOT swayed towards forming ties with communist Russia.

Therein lies the fear of the EU. Russia and its ability to remain a constant threat to the west, shown recently in its Syrian intervention has it embracing the other countries to continue the build up of a new Europe with the strength to counter that threat.

The vast bulk of us Brits are NOT adverse to Europe nor the European concept, what has our backs up is the inability for it to recognise and if it does, make the necessary changes to allow it to not just grow but to MATURE.

We get the REMAIN camp spewing out the “We can exist within the EU and help make changes.” I suggest that those who believe that should look at old transmissions of the European song contest and look at future shows when other countries from the original Eastern bloc came into it.

Ganging up ? That’s what happens when you get groups of individuals who are left to decide on a MAJORITY vote what happens next. Politics that are spun to weave a web of deception in order to gain a majority vote. If we in the UK voice an opinion or want to change something that we KNOW will change i.e those travelling from Romania or Poland or Croatia from coming into the UK, guess who will object the most? Those countries ganging up to demand the UK does as they’re told.

Do I really need to reveal the underlying truth re the EU with the submission of a FACT that is echoed across the EU. One that George Orwell brilliantly illustrated in his book Animal Farm. How terrifying to see such a resemblance when it comes to the EU especially the parliament; Brussels.

The ability to be SINGULAR in how we in the UK see things when it comes to certain issues is liken to many other countries who have been woken to the truth, we ARE and SHOULD retain some semblance of WHO we ARE as a country particularly in the UK as a SOVEREIGN state without those traits being eroded deliberately by the EU.

Austria has recently swung to a political attitude born out by its voters of changing its attitude re refugees, migrants, immigrants. Toughening up the rules and regulations re entry and why not?

Why is it that the EU cannot adopt the same entry criteria that countries like Australia have in place? You only come into a country other than your own IF you have something of value to offer that coutry skills wise. Not just turning up and having no valid skills, claiming refugee status when in truth you’re moving out of your country to bolster your income, often up to 4 times what you earn in your country i,.e Romania, Poland et

What should be the case, is investment in those countries to bolster job opportunites and earnings taking away the economic migrant excuses.
Often those countries have those who take workers on, pay them peanuts and rake in the money to line their own pockets at the expense of the workers.
The laws in those countries need to change - including severe penalties for those who are in power, in control who take bribes and are involved in criminal / corrupt practices.

What has happened and is a systematic failure to control migration is the inability of those who should be doing their job and DEPORTING those who have no right to be in the country. Vagrants, those who come in from countries such as Romania without work who end up on the streets or into criminal activities.

Those who are involved in prostitution the PIMPS and the females DEPORTED.
After fingerprinting, iris scans, pictures and recorded as criminals BANNED from entering the UK full stop.

Those such as the family who turn up with 5 kids DEMANDING the UK house them and getting housed when they should have been deported immediately back to their own country. What happened there sent a message to others that they too could try the same thing and end up stealing from others entitled to that accomodation the right to it.

We hear those telling us that immigrants don’t add extra work - costs - demands on our education, our police and security services, housing and and. The truth is that you’d have to blind deaf and bloody dumb to accept that as anything but the truth.

Why I’m for OUT of Europe? Because it has failed time after time to achieve what it should have and allowed certain practices, happenings to occur that are a threat to our security, our heritage, our culture and our future.

I’ve the feeling that Europe the EU, is liken to the game ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ and how the EU makes a complete ASS of itself whilst others in the parliament blindly stumble around trying to ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ kinda says it all.


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