Jess Corbin Kets Akademy VOL 2 Encounters the CHARITY ONLINE READ ONLY title.










Authors main web.  MAIN KETS web


Why, would Ocasa, be talking so intently with Ralzia, Reger and Sophen? If Fesh had been curious, she had not been alone. It was NOT, because MOST thought, there was anything untoward going on. Simply. Ocasa chatting up, three, quite attractive Humana females.Lets remember, his Papa was Humana.

NO! Some of the Kets who liked Ocasa, were not liking his interest in the Humana! Different races as we know, liked or disliked others. The Humana were NOT, a race of beings, who had been welcomed, as they spread out into space.
Forming up their colonies and sometimes, taking on whole worlds.

They had a reputation for being indifferent, aggressive and belligerent, even if some of the Kets, weren’t quite sure, what the term ‘belligerant‘ meant, they still nodded in agreement to those who purported to know, from personal encounters, with the Humana of its validity when talking about them! (Belligerent : Hostile and aggressive).

One of the female Kets observing from a distance, was called Jelli. Sophen had been on the satellite, when she had first encountered her, a difference of opinion and an altercation had occurred, resulting in an exchange of blows. Jelli, was made more than aware, of who they were. She had taken it upon herself, to find out a whole lot more about them, when they had docked at the Akademy.

No she did NOT like them, NOT at all, whereas Ocasa? She liked him, even if it meant, joining a rather long queue of those who did! The shock revelation, by some Kets, that Ocasa’s Papa, was Humana, had been a surprise. It must be his Fendiq generics, that prevented him being so bullying, rude and horrid. The usual trait believed, apparent with most Humana.

“We have the technology, but I warn you now, it will be restricted.“ Ralzia was to the point if not abrupt. Sophen was also wanting to know WHY, he needed such technology. Ocasa knew he had to maintain his composure, not give away any signs of weakness or reason for further suspicion on their part.

Any expression of seeming to be hiding something, would be disastrous! “Uh well, we’re on exercises in a week, an I need to equip our team with them, it will score us extra points, for me using my initiative, in securing only the best re our defences.“
He was surprised how convincing he sounded.

If Ralzia and Reger were convinced, by his story, Sophen was still reserved in her conclusions. “No one is to know, we’ve supplied you the units, OR adapted the units.“ Ocasa nodded somewhat relieved, as he had been wondering, how he could explain, the secrecy involved in his venture.

“We, don’t want others knowing, we can ILLEGALLY, modify those units, nor are we giving away, the secret of how!
That makes us money and we, are not giving up a lucrative source of added income." Sophen glared at him.

“Units will be sealed. Break the seals and it will trigger a device, that wipes all data from the units, making them useless.
Make sure the others know this!" Ocasa nodded, noting Sophen, was still glaring at him.

Annoyed at Ralzia making it all too clear, that she really liked Ocasa! “An when are we going to get the opportunity, to prove AGAIN we can beat you at Strat. We did enjoy seeing, who was it, skinned by the Skeets! “ "Oh Prince Iofnen." Sophen’s voice had mellowed, she was grinning.

Her voice still had a sting in its tail, bordering on mocking him. "Wouldn't want any of you lot, given your performance on that, on my team!“ “Uhh well.“ He was interrupted by Sophen. “When you get back from these “ She paused, peering at him.
He swore. trying to see, if he was going to react. Sophen would have to be carefully watched. She did NOT trust him, whatever the impression she was giving those two.

“I’m sure Ocasa will.“ Ralzia smiled, as Sophen stepped back from them. “Think its time we were leaving, we’ve work to do if we are to deliver those to him and get paid.“ They left! Ocasa watched them leaving as Demalzia turned, waved.
All of them gone!

Ocasa was NOT long on his own as Soniette, Ethan and Anaset joined him “Looked like they agreed!” Ocasa nodded.
He conveyed to them, in some detail, what had happened. Soniette grinned. “That Sophen? I get the feeling, she doesn't like you! Not just suspicious, maybe its because Papa is Humana. She sees his union with Mama, as a betrayal of his race.

There was some truth, in what Soniette had said. Some Humana colonies, well some races. Did not like their own, forming relationships and bonding with other races.

The results re Kets could be unpredictable, the primary objection for such relationships. "She doesn’t believe my reasons for us wanting that gear! We’ll have to keep on our guard, when she is around.“ Anaset had got some drinks, as they now sipped them, she stopped, looked across to some other Kets then waved.

“Jelli fancies you “ Ocasa looked over to where Jelli was stood. He raised his hand and waved, as she waved back?
“How many of these units, are they prepared to modify for us?” “Twelve” “I suppose that will have to do.“

“So when brother.“ Soniette moved closer to him. “Can we expect delivery.“ “Oh, we don't have problems with Sophen on that, she wants her money and as soon as they can get it. I think we can expect them, within two days from now.“

“That’s quick! We won’t be ready for at least four days." "Annietta, Becci and the others, are modifying the Embrion,
Ceila found two Elder Kets that excel in bionetics, one of them has previous experience on cloning.” Ocasa sipped his drink, stopped. He looked, as though he was thinking. Ethan had joked about it.

“Why did we not have Sajani or Mawena working on the cloning? Their Clonectics are clones arn't they?"
"Well sort of." "Then surely they must have quite a lot of knowledge re clones.“

Soniette interrupted. “Uggh don’t mention those Clonectics. They give me the eb-jeebies! Don't they use that what is it called?” “Clossitrial fluid” Ethan nodded. “Kind of changes their own body fluids and takes over.“ “Nope wouldn’t be any good to us," No one said anything for several minutes! The silence broken as Soniette asked Ethan to get her another drink and did the others, want another drink.

Ocasa was loathe to stay, he had plans and Jelli was part of them. He yawned, declined another drink, made his excuses and went to leave. Making good, he thought his escape. No such luck as blocking him was Fre.

“So who, is going to tell me, what the heck is going on?" He leaned in uncomfortably close to Ocasa. Because I KNOW, something, is going on.“ Soniette Ethan and Anaset had their backs to Ocasa, so were totally unaware, of the situation, re Ocasa and Fre, now staring at each other.

Fre making it quite clear, no one, was going anywhere, until some satisfactory explanations, were forthcoming. For him to be facing up to Ocasa, could have been a very stupid move on his part, given his hatred of the Jogarth.

Fearless or stupid on Fre's part? Was it lucky for Ocasa or Fre, who had not seen Van Ea enter, to step across to them, somewhat aghast, to see the two of them, in such close proximity, interrupting proceedings, stepping between Fre and Ocasa, allowing him to move past, and over, to where Jelli was stood. As for Fre?

His sister was not one to waste words. "One Ket, who would see you dead, you, have to confront him! I am given to thinking, I may not, have to waste time, on working out how to dispose of you, myself."

Jelli, was pleased to see Ocasa, now stood in front of her. Their leaving, had not gone unnoticed, by Anaset now nudging Soniette. “Told you, they liked each other! Heck, he didn’t waste any time!“ "Perhaps, she will put some sense, between those ears of his."


Authors main web.  MAIN KETS web

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