Jess Corbin The Cflen Trilogy Volume 1

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Jss Corbin The Cflen Trilogy Volume 1

Category Over 16’s Science Fiction

ONLINE READ ONLY publication © All rights reserved.

Jess Corbin’s The Cflen Trilogy Vol. 1 The Nature of the BEAST

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Dahhan had a favorite, amongst the Cflen warrior or Gladiator females. The term ‘Gladiators’ was first used by Joden, when he referred to his new breed of Fodawke, as he jeered at Dahhan’s females, as they fell to the blows of the Fodawke, one after the other.

On the day in question, it had been downright dirty fighting. The regen Fodawke, had brought in, four of his sons.
Two of them with him, now stood to one side, as the female stepped into the arena. She was powerfully built, he could see, she was going to be no easy match, as she slammed into one of his sons.

She dragged the combat out. His son he could see was getting frustrated, enraged time afte time to the point he was now tired. Movements slower, careless. When the Cflen moved in for the kill it was all over, she snapped the neck, threw it one side.
Dahhan smiled, he knew the enhancements he had given the female genetically, aswell as protein wise, would ensure she could last out a lot longer, than one Fodawke!

The second one played with, toyed with until it too got tired and she killed it. The regen Fodawke nodded to his two remaining sons. They BOTH stepped forward to confront her. Dahhan realised she was confused! It had always been one on one? They brutally set about her, as she fought back bravely. Things got worse.

The Regen Fodawke joined them. Her arms held fast as he leaned in to rip at her throat almost taking her head off.

They were not finished. They beat her down onto her knees. The sons moved back, his hands with the claws, gripping her head, he twisted and pulled. A swift kick to the shoulder and a crackng tearing sound.

Her head torn off with such force, the muscle sinew stretched then snapped. Its claws tearing at the bone to separate the head completely, now held aloft. Reaching into the skull to tear out the brain, sharing the last morsels with his sons before they flew off. “That.“ Screams Dahhan, was bloody cheating!

“Anything goes!” Joden had mockingly replied. “Don't scream excuses cos your females are not up to it?” Dahhan knew the three Fodawke had finished off his best Cflen fighter. The others present, were not up to her standard. He left the arena still seething with rage.

The next time the Fodawke were to meet the Cflen, it was one female, well built and muscular, powerfully athletic,
Joden was amused as she entered to the glare of the Regen Fodawke. He looked her over. to smile!

One on one there was no doubts she could have taken even the regen on and slaughtered him but NOT three of his Fodawke. He knew she was athletic, fast and nimble with her hands. But no way could this Cflen kill three of the best Fodawke!

"Honestly!" He had mocked Dahhon. "Is this the best you have to offer! Don't tell me, she can run fast!
Away from them!" He fell about laughing. It started with the same tactics from the Fodawke. This time he sent only one of his son's, he felt two would be wasted on this scrawny female.

This time not only was he in for a shock but also Joden. From the group of other ‘Gladiator Cflen’ she was thrown a weapon. It was tri bladed or three bladed, weapon (The Triomena), which she placed her hand against. Straps across the back of it to ensure it stayed around her hand, her fingers into holes allowing her to grip it tight.

Moving her body like some gymnastic genius, she avoided their blows. Deployed the weapon as Joden stared in disbelief! The blade sliced into the first one, to remove its arm. The second blade flashed and tore across its throat.
In seconds it was DEAD. The third blade? That second Fodawke had never seen it coming as she ducked to slash at its leg, it toppled forwards. The 1st blade slashed its throat.

The third Fodawke had hesitated, then attacked. Minutes later it too was dead. The regen was watching and the Cflen appeared to want him to be paying attention? Dropping next to the fallen Fodawke, she gripped its head. The blades flashed, one, two, three, four in quick succession.

The body of the Fodawke fell back as she held the Fodawke’s head up. The regen Fodawke had watched, had taken note, of how she moved, how she deployed the weapon. IT was no fool.

No desire to get into a fight with a Cflen wielding a weapon like that! It took to its wings, flew off. Joden was surprisingly not furious. He was laughing “You sly bastard.“ The others had been laughing. Knowing after Dahhan had let onto them what was coming, they had enjoyed seeing Joden humiliated.

It was early the next day when Esleha was in Dahhan’s quarters, when Joden walked in, to see her drop to her knees. He turned to the Cflen regen. “Fetch me the gladiator Cflen, the one from the Arena yesterday!“ Minutes later, the Cflen female, was stood in front of him.

He dismissed the regen. This was not her master, yet he was now squeezing her muscles running his hands over her. Stripping her, she did not fight back, she could not, it was unheard of to oppose their will.

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Phase One
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