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Jss Corbin The Cflen Trilogy Volume 1

Category Over 16’s Science Fiction

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Jess Corbin’s The Cflen Trilogy Vol. 2
.. and on the 7th day they rested.

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Our Fleet consists of FIVE main types of craft.

1. Reconnaissance probes, unmanned, used to penetrate planets to map them and ascertain whether there were signs of any Humana life forms. We had developed special devices within the probes to detect the BEAST, by releasing an insect like creature to bite the lifeform, suck some of it’s blood and that data, would be sent back to the main core, set in the probe.

It didn’t matter to us, if the insect was destroyed. The data it transmitted was what we wanted. Soon we could identify various colonies, that the BEAST had established, on various worlds within the galaxy we were in.

2. Small attack and disable craft, similar to basic Galacia fighters, but far more powerful and faster than anything the Galacia Federa had. Primary targets are escort fighters, bought by the owners of freighters, liners, carriers, transporters.

ANY vessel carrying or suspected of carrying the BEAST. If we raided a vessel, they ONLY ever removed the BEAST, however! Any other race showing signs of supporting the BEAST, by trying to help them escape, or acting in a hostile manner to the Cflen, we stunned them, or if they persisted, killed some of them, to impress upon the others the stupidity of continuing.

The sight of our Fodawke relishing the kill, eating their kind, terrifies, to the point they turn and run.

3. Processors, massive craft, designed for removing the blood, purifying it and drying it, to a powdery substance. Added to a chemical called Bytoxical4 originally invented by the BEAST, that changed the Cflen. Used by other races as a narcotic!

The chemical, they added to the blood, was widely found on Cflenia in a plant extract, which also gave us Cflen the distinct blue / purple skin coloring, something we have managed to almost erase, though some retain streaks within their skin. Though it was TOXIC, it was sold ILLEGALLY, the sales encouraged by us to the Humana colonies!

It also contained a substring, bio agent which marked the BEAST, allowing the Cflen to know almost instantly, where to find them.

4. Huge A class style war vessels, armed and able to subdue most attackers.

Heavy Duraillia Shielding. Five point terminals with, energy cannon arrays that would splatter most vessels to dust in seconds!

Secondary cannon batteries with slightly smaller cannons emittintg a thinner energy stream, but also plasma seekers. Small round orbs which when released attach themselves to other vessels and emit a lightning effect EM pulse.

5. ‘The Drum’ A cylinder shaped object. We simply release it into space towards pursuing vessels. It spins at speed and releases a fine mist?

That mist contains, a specially developed by us, corrosive agent, that chemically eats its way, through most materials used on craft built by AirStromm. We know they are the main suppliers of craft within the galaxies apart from Xerstria.

We use one chemical composition for AirStromm and another variant for Xestria craft. Both eat through the shielding and the material, the craft is made of, with ease.

We discovered a side effect that we have managed to use, to great effect. Neutron bombardment of the chemical as it spreads across the enemy craft, accelerates the particles within the chem compositions.

Craft and it’s contents are consumed, within parsecs. Too late for any warnings to be transmitted to other vessels. With some larger craft we release the orbs to paralyse their coms units and ensure details regarding the deployment of the drum, are not leaked to their fleet. We don’t want them having any advance warning if they persist in attacking us!

The vacuum of space means no devices that use AIR or similar such as Carbon Dioxides, Hydrogen work! Not without a catalyst! Proton and Neutronic devices bombard enemy craft and work well within the vacuum!

Galacia Federa craft have heavy weapons that use Catron V bombardment. We are aiming to seize one of their vessels and raid their core data systems for details on these devices.

By learning the full structural and composite details, we can devise a means to neutralize or destroy the weapons capabilities. We have other devices / weapons at our disposal.

1..The Rift device = a large orb like device, that creates an energy wave between two of the A class vessels? As they move forward, anything coming into contact with the wave will disintegrate or suffer severe damage!

HOWEVER the orb device can ONLY power the energy wave for a maximum of 10 tetrons (About 30 Earth mins)

Extremely effective against primitive systems, on transporters or fighters and such where it completely knocks out their computer guidance systems.

Resulting in the pilots or similar losing complete control and having to jump ship or suffer the consequences! It's also used, to TRAP any missile LIKE devices, used against the fleet, acting as a net to destroy them. Old Earth Thermo nucleur devices are instantly detonated by the wave, WELL before they even reach the fleet!

2. The Mind Stort is a device that uses technology. similar to microwave technologies. except far more advanced and deadlier! Its sent in as an orb like device, to the middle of a fleet. or in the proximity of any vessel of our choosing.

Protected by ‘STEALTH’ shielding, releases the can’t see it can’t smell it microionic waves, which wash the vessels!

Inside the vessels the crews are subjected to massive microwave bombardment., causing pain, nausea, vomitting and a whole lot more nasty side effects RENDERS a crew almost ineffective to resist boarding by the Cflen.




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Phase One
Cancer Res.



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