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Jss Corbin The Cflen Trilogy Volume 1

Category Over 16’s Science Fiction

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Jess Corbin’s The Cflen Trilogy Vol. 2
.. and on the 7th day they rested.

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The Palacial ? Well the Su Ran corporation had a huge number of them across the galaxies and not far from the Galacia Federa outpost on Solgaris 5 was one of them.

It was expensive, the ULTIME Byinards didn’t come cheap, The series 7 to 9, were the very best. All 'Palacials' had good strong security systems and two main security details, one on duty the other off duty comprising 6 male and female guards plus one Commander to each group. They reported back to the Su Ran Corporation on a regular basis.

If deemed necessary, they could summon ‘The Ran.’ A detachment of specially trained troopers. Kept on standby, to defend against hostiles, or hostile takeover attempts. At the 'Palacial' it was noisy, a lot of laughter and similar. Those inside having a good time! A showcase, with some of the girls entertaining, had been extremely good. Customers were settling back, relaxing chilling out. Generally feeling pampered.

Rostov was on duty that night as the section, security commander. A hardened veteran, of several military campaigns. Though strong and capable as a fighter, he was not the least aggressive in mannerism, neither was he brash or arrogant. Some would say he was shrewd, clever and intuitive. That, was probably closer to the truth. Something that night had made him on edge.

The rest of the security detail were more than aware of him being hyped. Since he did not take drugs except for his neck; some muscle spasm on occasion being problematic, it could be assumed he was indeed anxious about something that had rattled his cage.

He made them carry out extra security checks, the emphasis on reporting at regular intervals back to their controller. Admittedly, to take a section of the Su Ran security and eliminate them in one hit, would take some doing! In the event of a breach?

Usually a rapid tactical response. As for his assertions? To put them on alert? Such an action, was to prove a right decision. Two of his security detail went ‘offline’. Minutes later, another two were unable to respond to his calls. He might have been wondering what the hell was going on?! When the next two, were out of the equation; he did what he was trained to do and activated; ‘the signal’

The signal is an automated message to the Su Ran Corporation. Their emergency response team. The signal triggers a detachment of troopers to react to the call. Whilst controllers are checking to verify the authenticity of such a request, the troopers were on their way.

Barden was the commander for the second unit of security. Technically OFF duty, he had been alerted by Rostov. Immediately he, scrambled his detail together. Tracking those from Rostov's crew. Coming upon their bodies minus the heads.

Heading towards the main building before initiating, shutdown of the palacial. That involved turning on, certain force fields. They prevented access to the palacial, in simple terms, no one in, no one out. A complete lock down. As he approached the main entrance, he saw several figures move ahead of him.

What Barden saw, astonished him. They were about 7ft in height and well built. Physique, not body mass. There was a strange tri bladed weapon in their hands. Instinct told him to regard them as nothing less than hostile. That, he had no doubts about. Rostov had seen the first of them enter and had responded by firing at them.

A waste of time and energies. Some form of shield activated around them, deflecting his weapons. The energy bouncing off the shield. Suddenly, they stopped. Figures parted and a female stepped forward. Rostov could well assume this, to be the leader.

The Cflen Bienck, stared at him. He was well built and matched her in physique. She faced him to tell him he could save the palacial, if he defeated her, one on one? Her actions were not those of her Commanders. That might prove to be to her detriment on her return. As for losing?

Rostov accepted the challenge. He placed his weapon down, removed excess gear and stood watching her, as she put her tri bladed weapon onto the ground to the side of her. Barden had entered the chamber to hear the challenge being accepted. He ordered his men to stand to one side. Wait for the outcome?

Knowing the Su Ran detachment was on its way, Rostov and Barden knew they had to play for time, create a delay. Maybe, Bienck had foolishly played into their hands? Like Barden, Rostov was well trained in combat. Physically? Very strong. Kept to a good diet, trained hard and had the muscles to prove it.

Bienck found he was a worthy opponent. Certainly matched her one on one with ease, for most of her moves. Ultimately the winner would be the one who could last the longest; re their stamina. As time dragged on, he was tiring. He kept going regardless of his failing strength. It could not be much longer before the Su Ran troops arrived?!

If he was tiring physically, Bienck was losing interest in proceedings. She had already shown who the strongest was, the superior being. Though she was reluctant to do it, he had her respect for his courage and tenacity; she had no choice but to terminate him. Her orders had been to ensure NOT one living being, survived the attack.

A blow to his neck, a long drawn out gasp as the wind pipe collapsed, partially blocking his air way, the continuing rasp as he desperately tried to breathe? Falling to his knees in front of her, her hands taking hold of his head violently twisting it. Seconds later, he was dead. She slid his body to the floor, stepped back to join the other Cflen.

Barden attacked with everything he and his troopers could throw at them. Too late to retreat and where the hell were the Su Ran reinforcements? Too late as Barden was the last to be executed by Bienck. Once again, she felt respect for him and those who had put up a brave fight. Even knowing the odds were not in their favor. They had earned her respect. As for those within the confines of the palacial?

Not one of them survived. Executing them all. After ensuring nothing was left alive bar her and her Cflen, Bienck placed a device the centre of the palacial. Time to leave. By the time the Su Ran troopers arrived, the Cflen were on board their craft and gone! Not that their activities had gone without incident. A Globe cast sat remote had recorded their arrival and departure.

The small innocuous device, did nor warrant the attention of the Cflen. It was not a living thing, nor was it anything of any consequence as a weapon. A toy of no value. Thus what had been seen and heard, could be played back. Relayed in full to Holli.

Holli? She sipped her drink, the rage pulsing through her body, at the knowledge that the Cflen, had dared to ‘give her a slap?’ If they had declared war on her, some of the other races might interpret such actions as being acceptable retaliation for the Humana daring to challenge the Cflen.

Attempting to have them sanctioned as 'Hostiles.'? OR a warning to other races NOT to side with this 'Spawn of the BEAST' Suffer the consequences if they did?! Bienck had reported to her Commander. Dui.

"The next time you disobey my orders and allow them to delay you whilst they summon others to their aid I shall have you executed." It was a threat that she would not take lightly! Dui had had to intercept the Su Ran force, stall them long enough for Bienck to finish her mission. If she had told Ariel of what had transpired, Bienck would be dead.




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Phase One
Cancer Res.



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