Jess Corbin The Qiverse ONLINE READ ONLY PUBLICATION 1 Cistera









Author’s main web for TITLES, INFO and FEATURES on and about the author, can be found at

A whole hold of Drehqua (similar to gold and had the value of platinum, titanium, hard resilient and valuable)
They were now joined by four small support attack craft called ‘Qooboos’ Sleek, fast, defensive and heavily armed. It was not long, before they reached the alignment with Tqu and passed a couple of light freighters, bound for Tqu?

They had been on alert but stood down, as the freighters passed them and headed about their business. Onboard the Charqua, Commander Voge sat opposite his Agrimorph, Trime was shackled with two sonic bands to stop her doing anything rash but she had the run of the area, small as it was and full facilities for hygiene . Opposite her was the GlobeCast screen.

She watched as repeatedly it showed more and more atrocities, carried out by the Jogarth against her people, she no longer called them Joggies, her eyes swelled with tears, she stared at him, as he sipped his ale, inside she was crying, unable to stop herself shaking with fear.

The first ship quietly followed by two others, slipped into the neutral zone and headed up the zone towards the Jogarth Empire. It was not small, not by any stretch of the imagination. It was heavily armed and its fire power, could be compared to some of the heaviest armed, in the galaxy,

In it’s wake, followed four other, huge craft. Troop carriers supported by and flanked by, six smaller flash craft. (Escort ships, ample armour and weapons to fend off most attackers.) They were not slow, as the speed picked up and in a blink all of the vessels disappeared into the darkness of space, leaving just a wisp to say they had been there.

Commander Voge was awoken by the alert chimes, pounding in his ears, then it tailed off and silence reigned. “What the hell “ he screeched, “ Sorry sir but something just passed us at speed. They were coming at us so fast we thought they were going to collide with us! But!

Whoever they were or whatever they were, they’ve gone !” “Evaporated into space.” The noise from the sirens was still bellowing out. “Tell them, to turn those dammed things off, before we all go bloody
deaf!“ He staggered back to his sleep unit, glancing at Trime, who was sat up on hers, looking at him, that look? There was something that made his skin crawl! It was eerie.

He growled at her. “You go back to sleep “ Trime could not sleep, the noise may have been loud to them, to her it was ear piercing! Yet even that could not compare to the terror her eyes had seen, all too real, the reality of being a prisoner and all hope it seemed gone? The worst, seeing her mother beaten to death.How could a Ket ever forget such horror?

Ever regain the strength, the will to continue? In her heart she prayed for a swift end, to all that was so much pain. Her thoughts on the stories she had read, of being rescued in your darkest hour. Of salvation, of hope? As a young Ket she had read a lot. Enjoyed reading. Stories from across the galaxies.

There is a legend, steeped back in time it is said first came from the Earth colonists, that spread across the galaxies, a legend of a colonist who it says still ghosts, the night skies, legend has it that when justice is required? Deep within the hearts of the oppressed, a prayer for it to be metted out?

Could that bring something back from the dead? The figures of one in particular and his army they say, can be seen delivering death, like grim reapers, without mercy, to those who have offended their sense of justice. Stories told across the Empires tell of his power.

Of his huge stature, how massively terrifying it was to be near to such a thing, of the fear on the faces of all who encounter him and his armies, for they come they go and no one knows from where or whence. In their wake to leave death and destruction.

Always freeing slaves and others, bound and or chained. For those whose desperate last moments, can be at the hands of murderers, or abusers, the name on their lips, they curse their perpetrators with, is always that of ‘Longshanks’ But then, it is only legend ?

In the silence that space relentlessly gives, the craft from the Jogarth ploughed on, slipping into the neutral zone just below and at the start of the Omirco clusters, Commander Voge hated this part, he was too far from home.

The wretched Urowq were next to useless, when and if he needed support. SHE had not listened to his pleas for more escorts, BIGGER ESCORTS! He had curtailed his wrath, for fear of reprisals from her, she was unpredictable and vicious, he growled as the alert sounded, yet again.

“ YES “ He screeched “ Now WHAT!” “We have intruders.“ “What the “He grabbed his clothes and headed out the hatch to the control centre. If he had problems, others too were having theirs!

Nathan had ordered the deployment of ‘Wild Child’ the moment the two slave vessels had been spotted by his scout craft, unknown to the Jogarth the two freighters that had innocently passed had communicated with them, despatching the ‘Wild Child’ plague as it was called by Noge and Nathan to sit waiting for activation. Now they activated it and waited.

Jogarth Commander Roe stared in disbelief, as the figure of a laughing Humana child appeared before him, it smiled then sauntered over to the console and tapped codes and entries into the vocra units. It reached down and ripped out some of the smaller but vital access blocks throwing them across the area.

He went to grab the thing but it turned and smiling vanished into the ether !
He cursed as screens lit up, showing other areas, being targeted by this thing? Its manic laugh! Bellowing in their ears ! Not one, not two but growing numbers of them? How could it be reproducing so fast!

Commander Roe had only seen this once before. He was feeling a shiver run down his back, he knew from experience he could do NOTHING ! Let it run its course and he knew what it did ! He ordered them to full alert.

“Stand by for attack, arm all weapons and have attack craft on full alert, ready deployment of Xemets (High energy rockets with shock wave inducers that ‘stung’ a ship giving it a huge slap across it, invariably knocking out its weapons capabilities. Similar to Bexian tactics, making the ship blind to its attackers assault capabilities. “Ready troopers and arm with slave bands”





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Sci Fi - Adventure - Classic Horror - Drama - Romance - Poetry - Prose

Where will HIS story take YOU today ? ! 


You can find out more ABOUT Jess Corbin, on the authors main website -
titles info and features website

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