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©ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. The content on this web may not be copied, transmitted, used in any way shape or form without the consent of the copyright holder Holly Randall Los Angeles USA



Renais is, as some may already understand, relative to past culture, to past civilisations and various time periods. Some might be, what we call today, antiquities? Much valued and collected, by various Kets according to their preferences or tastes. You could have things you liked, admired or puzzled over? Unexplained past objects, or things your parents had, or other related family, handed down through the generations?

Music was of course, one of those ‘Renais’ high spots. From live performances, thanks to GlobeCast, on screens that could be watched, programs as we would know them, recorded? Or collectables such as the actual discs, data compilations that could be loaded onto what we would know as similar to MP3 players, in audio and video format? Lets remember the ‘SHELDE’ could hold a vast amount of entertainment aswell as instructional data!

The Renais adaptor, was specifically designed, to be an integral part of any Kets Shelde unit! Price 4 drex units. Currently out of stock! Renais also helped continue the musical talents of those, who chose to play musical instruments or similar synthesized productions and of course singers. Composers and more. Live performances, still rated THE most favoured of all, continues to make a lot of money for the organisations and individuals who promoted it.

Clothing, fashions and jewelry, let alone everything that went with being distinctive, affluent and eloquent, was, considered by many to HAVE to be, RENAIS. It made a fortune, for those who’s trademark became the symbol across the galaxies, of the most desired items available. Piracy and other attempts, to cheat the owners of that trademark, ended in the establishment of a number of trackers who’s only purpose, was to secure information, on illicit trading, counterfeit goods and more!

They would then take action and sometimes, the outcome was not pleasant. Some planets, needed the income, often exclusive contracts for making goods for Renais to sell. Materials used in production, labour costs and more, could be maintained at the best available rates and once agreed,the goods could be produced and sold with a handsome profit. Acceptable seller, buyer, transactions; guaranteed loyalty and a whole lot more, from those who controlled the lives, of their citizens. Piracy and counterfeit goods were seized, along with those who sold or traded the goods. Their release would cost them, usually ten times the money they would have made from the sale of all of the goods now taken.

The fake goods destroyed. The illicit trade on some worlds constantly attacked dwindled to the point it was almost none existent. Original goods from set time periods became less and less, either retained in museums or antiquaries, there was also the data from GlobeCast available and that was in entirety, comprehensive to the point where it was mind numbing. Thus Renais, remained a firm favourite and kept as original as possible, to the original item, its data, construction, materials where possible.

Established the reputation that went with the Renais goods. Parfums, oils,exotic soaps were available, with a Galactic catalogue that ran into thousands and thousands of products. Kets could be crafty and if their family ordered products on a regular basis, they could get free samples, generously donated, to encourage them, to persuade their buyers, to buy more. Games could be acquired from the simpler ones, to the most complex alt 7 series.

Different races, cultures, had their own versions. Historical, famous or infamous battles. Virtually anything you wanted to play, from those who taught you, to those that were for amusement only. Movies? You could search a library of innumerable titles! Look for what you liked most, in content? That could include favored characters or places, type? How about staring in your own? Let others see your work, sell your work. The weird, the wonderful, the wild and the wacky.

Of course coms units, inbuilt bio implants and a host, of other items, such as language decoders, converters and tutorial aids, were available. Different colours, shapes, types, custom made items and ones to blend in, with the individuals features? YES! Renais, opened up a true Galactic fest, of all that was from its past.

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