
Jess Corbin’s Authors main web www.jesscorbin.com






©ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. The content on this web may not be copied, transmitted, used in any way shape or form without the consent of the copyright holder Holly Randall Los Angeles USA



"I don't understand this at all. Ameryst had been talking to Becci, ignoring the Gaisek? Why if it wants just the Jogarth does it not send us all back with the other Kets? "Because it can't! It doesn't have enough power to do that. Its conserving it for those cubes!" "So we rush it, all of us." "Uhh that creature?" "Oh, right. Of course!" Becci had turned back to look in the direction of the Gaisek. Ameryst tapped her on the shoulder. She looked at her. "What now?!" "If it does not have power to send us back, only enough to do whatever with the Jogarth. That means we will still get eaten or whatever by that thing!"

Van Ea stepped forward, shoving through the Kets. The Gaisek took in her features, she grinned. “You, look so much like your Momma, now let me see, if I can pick out the other Jogarth brats. Shouldn’t be too difficult they’re always so arrogant.“ It pointed to Fre then pointed at Ameryst. Much to her disgust! She made it quite clear she was NOT Jogarth and to even think she was, was insulting. Fre was furious. The female was ignoring Anora altogether.

Now pointing to Illia and then at Delise. Delise was not short on being expressive about being accused. Fendiq. “Oh, another one of Cistera’s brats.“ Anora surrendered herself. Fre, Illia, Besai, Anora, Van Ea and Coleja. All stood together?! The female walked in front of them, the cubes still shimmering colors. “I doubt you know why you were brought here to be punished. The story? “Can I ask, IF it is the Jogarth brats.“ Bjoi’s voice tailed off as Illia turned glared at him. He coughed.

“If the Jogarth were the ones you were after what are WE doing here?“ The female looked at him. “You are right, you are of no consequence except that you are a sizeable Ket and my pet.“ She looked up at the creature. “Has not eaten for some time, since I am dispatching the Jogarth Kets to an alternative never ending story. I still have to provide food for my pet.“ Was the female grinning when she said that? Bjoi looked up, shifted nervously.

Becci reassured him that he would NOT be harmed. The Gaisek was having some fun at his expense, well his rather damp composure. “Ah yes! Just like your mother, always interfering. Poking her nose in where she shouldn’t. Fendiq brat.“ Becci said nothing as a ring of energy formed around the creature, it let out an ear piercing howl that was terrifying to the ears. The energy died back. A warning from Becci? The Gaisek did not seem the least bit flustered.

“One of us you may stop but one of us will see you punished, or dead! Including ALL present. So I would suggest, Fendiq brat. You behave.“ “What I want to know.” Torvan was irate. “I keep hearing about their mother? “Delise growled at him. “Empress Isabellani.“ Torvan was now even more irate. “I’m not stupid Delise. I know who their mother IS! I want to know what the connection is with HER and this, this, this female.“ “Gaisek!”

“My apologies. Of course. You don’t know the full story do you.“ The Gaisek had moved to stand in front of Claria? “How touching, how lovely, that you all stand up for the Jogarth, yet.“ She glared at Claria sneering. “They enslaved your people, tortured them, intimidated them, murdered them.“ It turned to the others. “The Jogarth are a pestilence, an arrogant and cruel race! I doubt if it came to your life or theirs that any of you would gladly surrender yours for theirs.“ She stepped back to the Jogarth.

Heliera was stood towards the back of them she now moved forward, the Gaisek stared at her. “Ah Princess Heliera of Psemon. My apologies. YOU should NOT be here. I do NOT have a dispute with your race. I will release you.“ Heleira made it clear she did not want to go anywhere. Well not at this moment in time! She had something to say. The Gaisek was very much of the opinion ‘Well if you must!’

"Look you probably have good reason not to like the Jogarth. There are not many who don't BUT. What happened to you? It sounds as if it happened a long time ago. It is NEVER right, to punish the Kets, for the sins of the Parentia. That belief has always been upheld across the galaxies! So this is pure revenge out of spite and nothing else.“ The Gaisek was motionless, it seemed to be thinking, saying nothing? It smiled.

"If you put it like that, Yes. I do not dispute your integrity Princess Heliera but you have to understand the reasons why. Instead of talking! To listen to my side of the story. Before you judge me unfair. I was locked away LOCKED away, whilst my people were destroyed by the Jogarth I have NO FAMILY NO ONE! They should NOT be punished? They don’t change! They’re still the same.“ It moved towards Anora screeched at her. “Do the Jogarth still enslave other races?“ Anora dropped her head whispered. “Yes.“ It smirked, looked at them. “Of course they still do.“ Becci’s gems started to glow it sensed her actions. “I warned you.“

Becci’s gems faded. “Do they know Cistera’s brat? That it was YOUR mother who interfered? The fight between Isabellani and myself? If it had not been for her presence, I would have slain Isabellani!“ “I really don't know why you have to be so anti social.“ Lilia’s voice was soft but clear, it seemed to amuse the Gaisek. The Kets were trying not to laugh. As it moved towards her, looked down at her, so tiny! Her little hands rubbing, squeezing her fingers nervously? It was reading her thoughts.

“To think, I feel sorry for you Ket. A mere morsel for my pet! They think you plain! Simple and stupid! Definitely stupid. Another one who would stand up for those, who regard her as inferior.“ Becci stamped her feet shoved her hands down by her side, it caused the Gaisek to back away from Lilia.

“You don’t have to be so smug.“ She turned to Lilia, smiled. “Don’t take any notice Lilia. That is NOT, what we think of you! The Gaisek is trying to turn us against each other? We may have our differences, but we share a sense of justice and morality." She turned to face the Gaisek. "Something it appears YOU have lost!“ It was quite apparent to those present that the Gaisek was enraged. So far it was NOT winning anyone over to it’s way of thinking. It’s pet moved.



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