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©ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. The content on this web may not be copied, transmitted, used in any way shape or form without the consent of the copyright holder Holly Randall Los Angeles USA



Anora, was back to her usual, well her usual QUIET self! The others were relieved to find her more composed and less drugged. Whoever it was, reasoned La Toyah, that had been messing with drugs, poisoning Anora, would be caught. But she knew certain parties were already onto finding the culprits! She looked at the screen to see Corky talking to Serenia. “I don’t need to remind you to be careful, whoever it is or they are, cunning is second nature to them!“ Serenia nodded, left. Minutes later She was stood outside a domicile. The door to the chamber slid open.

The Ket she had come to see, was alone. “Aisha?” She turned to see Serenia, a bit of a shock, if it was, she showed no emotion to give her away. “You don’t mind if I have a word? “ Aisha peered at her somewhat bemused as she stepped back into her room. “The others are not here, we’re alone.“ “Good then we won’t be disturbed.“ Serenia did as Corky had advised her. ‘Be direct, to the point, don’t dress it up!

If you flounder, she will see it as a sign of weakness! “It was you, who had the drug, I think sold it or traded it onto someone to use against the Ket Anora.“ Argue? Deny? Nothing! It could be said, Aisha was by no means ruffled!

“I can’t understand, how you could even think, that of me. As a friend of Anora’s, most unfair. Of course, In your position I think it would reflect badly on you making such an accusation without proof.“ “Look you had the drug, you gave it to someone, who put it into Anora’s glass. Whilst you gave the Ket the opportunity to carry out the act in question, the means, you did not actually carry out the deed. I will NOT, pursue charges against you. I want to know the name of the person, who you gave the drug to.

Aisha moved, poured a drink, offering her some. Serenia declined. Aisha mocked her. “Think it’s poisoned? Drugged?” She laughed. “Trouble is, where Anora is concerned little sweet Anora! She’ll end up dead one way or another. She won’t last five minutes out there, in the galaxies. Still, she has more to worry about closer to home.“ She stopped laughing, looked at Serenia. “Just remember what I said, CLOSER to home and it’s NOT, one of her sisters.

Now get out! Even us Kets have rights. You have NO proof I did anything. There is nothing else I am saying about this. I will deny, if I am pushed to it, where this is concerned, everything." Serenia had confirmed her and Corky’s suspicions! “I think we are agreed, the same one! Illia” “We’ll have to watch him.“ “But he shares a domicile with Anora and Van Ea.“ “We’ll have to figure out some way to split them up!”

Colfra too, had reasoned, that the closeness of a brother, who hated his sister enough to do her harm. was unacceptable. Something had to be done about it and NOW! He had sought his own remedy, in agreeing with Bjoi to swap with her, moving her into his domicile, where he could keep more of an eye on her. With help from the others, keep her safe! Bjoi, who had no fear, of Illia moving into her former abode.

The following afternoon. The requested assembly had been noisy, yet had succeeded where the morning one had NOT! Serenia had outlined the challenges they were about to be entered into. “You will either become masters of your own destiny or fall. Remember, to enter in the forthcoming Ultra Realt Tournament, YOU MUST impress us in this arena.“ Corky had watched them, he noted they relished the idea of first hand, combat scenario’s.

The ability, to test their skills, against the odds. A roll of the dice, as we might say? Cept it wasn’t one dice, nor loaded dice, but three random dice. An Algora would decide who would win based on tested and proven to be 99% probable outcome, not conjecture. Their weaknesses, fear, doubts, insecurities; would be dragged to the fore.



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