
Jess Corbin’s Authors main web www.jesscorbin.com






©ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. The content on this web may not be copied, transmitted, used in any way shape or form without the consent of the copyright holder Holly Randall Los Angeles USA



They glanced behind them, the distortion all too evident moving towards them folding everything inwards in its path like some manic origami, paper folding exercise? Aisha fiddled, fumbled and then screamed! Making them jump. “Got it!” The hatch opened one might say with minutes to spare. They scrambled through the hatch, Slamming it behind them. They were now, in different place altogether!

The Gaisek realized the program had been corrupted! It had gone to a break time scenario with the Kets being offered refreshments? What the! That was not in its programming, nor was that time vortex. It had not generated that. As for feeding them?!

A garden, various tables? Drinks and food. FOOD! “I’m starving,“ Growls Soniette. She was not, it should be pointed out; alone. She grabbed at one of the cookies to eat it. “Is that wise?” Mutters Ronan. “It could be poisoned.“ “Actually it’s.“ Soniette chomped on it. Swallowed back. TOO QUICKLY. Almost choking. Ronan thumped her on the back. A piece of it flew out of her mouth to land in Ocasa's! He had gone to eat raising the roll to his mouth, thus his mouth had been open! He spat the piece out, hurling abuse at Soniette. The other Kets fell about laughing. Soniette ignored his looks in her direction. Well, more of a glare!

“Very tasty and this drink is my favorite, Coolaberries and Juapi.“ Becci swigged it back rolled her eyes pretended to grab her throat, closed her eyes. Ronan watching what was going on, seeming concerned? About to rush forward to aid her? Much to the amusement of the Kets as Becci miraculously recovers. “Typical Ketlevling (childish) behavior “ Ronan, now eating and talking at the same time. “Might have known it would be a Fendiq Ket to lower the tone of the place.“

“At least its stopped us being so terrified.“ Claria swished her tail as Becci nodded. It was time to let them all know what was going on. The game had been compromised. Who or whatever was in control was clearly out to manipulate the game and the bad news?

IT appeared to have a rage directed at the Jogarth Kets! "I mean every time something has gone to attack, it has targeted one of you lot!" Some of the others were inclined to agree. They were all, none the wiser as to why.

“We have to try to find a way to get to the core of the game, anyone got any ideas how?” Uanita moved stepping over to Fre. “Fre knows “ Becci looked at Fre who stammered “Don’t.“ “Do.” “Don’t!” “You DO.“ Screeches Uanita. Fre turned towards her as she faced up to him, which surprised Soniette. Events so far had shown sides to some of the Kets hitherto, either hidden or suppressed by them. Even Fre looked taken aback by her actions.

“I know, you KNOW, because you were almost caught.“ Becci moved closer to her. “Caught?“ Uanita’s hand brushed her hair from her face, that look, the blazing fury in her eyes? “As always, in denial about what a lying cheating Ket he is. When it comes to Strat? You all think he is brilliant at tacticals? Cept this time he was not going to do so well! Not with being monitored an all. No room for cheating.“ More of the Kets had shifted to be closer so they could hear what was being said.

“You accessed the core, on the main Strat system, to see if you could cheat I KNOW I found your Shelde and read your notes, very explicit and clear. I may appear thick.“ She turned looked at some of the other Kets. Kinsey smiled. “You’re anything but Uan. Some of us appreciate your talents! Stupid you are NOT!“ Taon was talking to Uanita, going over what she remembered? The facts? The figures? The computations Fre had made on variables?

Taon knew by the time she had finished that Uanita was far, far more intelligent than she was, well most of the time, given credit for. She turned glared at Fre. “Uan is very accurate on her remembering those notes. YOU were definitely working out how to cheat the system.“ There were further murmurs amongst the Kets, the general consensus was in agreement with Kinsey. Taon? Taon was one of those irritating, ask too many questions Kets but she was clever, astute and had an IQ well above most of them there. They NEVER questioned her conclusions even if she repeatedly questioned theirs. Now they wanted answers. Fre?

There was an air of indifference, some hostility even, at the mention of cheating! He sensed that IF and it was a big IF, he dared challenge Uanita on her claims, it was doubtful HE would win. “Alright I just wanted to make sure the game was played fair and square. OK so I might have had a look to see if there were any weaknesses in its programming.“ He paused as Uanita added. “Could exploit to cheat, gain advantages, we don’t OR would NOT have had. I call that CHEATING.“ “Whether intended or implied.“ Taon was quick to add her comments much to Fre’s intense dislike of being put on the spot. He was beginning to dislike Taon with the same intensity! “TELL US.“



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