
Jess Corbin’s Authors main web www.jesscorbin.com






©ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. The content on this web may not be copied, transmitted, used in any way shape or form without the consent of the copyright holder Holly Randall Los Angeles USA



“No way are your teams going to win this. There’s an advantage in both my teams to start with, when you look at the physique of most of the Kets in them, good strong individuals and not lacking in skills.“ It might have infuriated Margise to note that Corky was still grinning. “Big surprises come in small packages Margise. The bigger they are the easier they are to spot. Even in the undergrowth. The little ones? Have them sneaking up on you?" She started to laugh...

Minutes later they were on the transporters and gone. In the designated control room, certain Elder Kets, moved to their units to start monitoring and tracking them. Of course they too had a wager on who they thought was going to win. Soon the Zimps were landing. Hatches opening and Kets dispersing, to form up, as their leaders decided on the next course of action. The direction they had to head in and the position of their target. Some apprehension?

Quickly dispersed as now they moved off. “Is it me.” Mumbles Claria. “Why do I feel that its getting colder?“ Sisica nodded “Its definitely, getting colder.” It was a dry morning, no rain just bluish pink skies the clouds tinted with hues of ‘soft candy floss pink edges'. Cistera gathered them around her.

(Cistera = YELLOW team Uanita - Colfra - Heliera - Anaset - Eula - Torvan - Dramen - Illia - Anora - Inoleu -

Sisica - Esru - Roaen - Taon (Serenia replacing Illia).

Serenia had taken time to emphasize, that whilst, she was a team member, her mouth would be kept shut, unless it warranted her intervention, IF any of them were in danger, or about to do something that would be highly inadvisable OR that would cost the team, her team regardless! Merits.

Uanita was brushing her hair as she listened with the others. “We can do this. We have approx 9 Earth miles to traverse this terrain. she glanced at the Zaphen. The ‘Zaphen’ is a sophisticated tracking and location device, similar to the Shelde. Taon had been taking an interest in everything going on. Not short on vocals as she aired her views then asked questions. Not one. No. Several? If it were liken to a bombardment then all those around her would cease to exist.

“Taon.” Screeches Inoleu. “I don’t know about the others, but I can hardly hear myself think, with you asking so many questions.“ A few of the others, were grinning. Roaen had been talking to Taon earlier and knew all too well, that she was a Ket, with overbearing sense of curiosity. “Taon has a point about the terrain. As for that unit?“ Colfra eased his way through two of the Kets and stepped towards Cistera.

“It contains a lot of data, however the data has to be pre programmed for each individual task.” Colfra was peering over her arm looking at the unit. “That’s either not working right, or it’s been restricted.“ Cistera looked at him. “The detail is heavily reduced.“ He pointed to a small grid area, his fingers raised towards where it would have been in the distance. “See that rock outline?” They looked to where he was pointing.

“It doesn’t match this units profile. There are high ground references, where on the unit it shows it as flat.” “How come you know so much?” Taon looked at him as Uanita interrupted “One of Colfra’s hobbies. Likes to take these things and go wander off. Can vanish for a whole day! Mama often tells him off for NOT telling them when he does that!.” Cistera smiled. “Anyone disagree on my decision to put Colfra in charge of navigation? I think we can bow to his experience, I know personally what Uan is talking about! I've seen them panicking, searching for him!” She started to grin. The rest of them were more than happy to agree with her choice. Cistera knew he was more than qualified to reprogram, reset the unit, should that be required.

“Heliera.” She shifted closer to him as he moved his fingers, so she could view the screen. “They’ve been playing with this and not in out interests.“ “Units inaccuracy could have cost us.” He smiled, looked at it, looked at the terrain, then ran his fingers over the unit as it beeped and flashed. “What do you think.Set it to wireframe?” Colfra nodded. “My thoughts exactly! I’ve set it to wire frame not topical geographic, which is far I think, now; 90% accurate." Heliera glances at the screen imaging, looks towards the land in front of them. Nodded.

"Usually its not used. So they haven’t tampered with that setting.“ ”We can use elevation data, to give us the best route.“ “Now WE know the exact position of the hut, our skills will find us the best route to get to it.“ Dramen interrupted them. “We ought to look at the best route for all of us?” Cistera agreed. “I understand what you are saying, it shouldn’t be based on the fittest amongst us, or the least fit, but an average balanced approach?" Anaset glanced at Esru and Roaen. Neither of them particularly fit!

“Dramen has a very valid point. The most direct route, might not be the best one, where we all, are concerned without suitable resting places. Ideally somewhere we can all rest and have some refreshments.“ “Anyone not able to walk the 9 miles?” Uanita looked around at them, then whispered. “I’m not used to walking, if I’m going that distance, I always use the hover sleigh” There were now murmurs of a similar nature from Roaen and Esru! “Alright, we take it in stages and rest frequently to start with? “ “Refresh our liquid packs and adjust our suits re temperature and comfort”

“So who takes the lead?“ Taon looked at Colfra. She was trying not to show it, but she liked the idea, of him; taking the lead. He, unlike some of the others, actually listened to her. “What about Colfra?“ “OK, I think we’re all agreed, you take the lead Colfra.“ Taon was quick to interject, though delighted at her suggestion being agreed upon. “Uh? Shouldn’t we just do a quick check, to make sure we have everything? The suits are fastened properly and equipment?” Sisica smiled as she listened to Taon finish. “Check suits again everyone. Anyone with any problems?“ Sisica interrupted. “Keep your suits slightly lower on temperature. You’ll start to warm up as you walk and your body, generates heat. If it get too warm you’ll dehydrate faster and make sure. “She pulled her mouth piece across mumbling the last sentence. “Your drinks sleeve is in place to dispense fluids and nutrients.“

“Fits over the upper lip. behind it, to sit there. Will dispense drops at a time, depending on how you’ve regulated them.” They were about to move off, when Cistera stopped them “Who hasn’t added their nutrient pack, to the fluids?” They all looked at each other then Heliera shoved her hand up. “I wasn’t sure whether I needed to.“ “Are you kidding?“ Colfra stared at her. “So now we have to waste more time.“



Jess Corbin 'Kets Akademy' Vol.1 Arrivals www.qiverse.com/arrivals


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