
Jess Corbin’s Authors main web www.jesscorbin.com






©ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. The content on this web may not be copied, transmitted, used in any way shape or form without the consent of the copyright holder Holly Randall Los Angeles USA



Illia had seen enough. He decided, it was time to be leaving. Followed out by the others bar Colfra. "See you later." In the Ovir, Margise was talking to Iophan voicing hiss suspicions about Illia? “That’s a plant extract, used to cause hallucinations, larger doses can kill."

Luckily for Anora, it back fired. She uses Cemprino as a bio dampner for her hyperactivity. Negates some of its effects, Anora’s intemperate and sometimes hyperactive state, caused her stomach cramps and that morning unknown to Illia she had had stomach cramp. Sickness? So most of the drug, had NOT remained in her system. "Our problem lies in the fact, if he failed this time, what’s to stop him trying again?" They both decided to confront Van Ea. Perhaps she had answers.

“Stupid really stupid. I can’t think why the heck he wants to put himself at risk of expulsion. One way or another, cute little Anora is going to die. She’s next in line to the throne.“ “That’s not nice, not at all.“ Van Ea had the look on her face of someone who was not the least put out by Margise being a trifle upset.

“If he had killed her? So what? One less for me, to have to stand against; when it comes to choosing the next heir to the throne.“ She was amused by Margise who was finding it hard to understand her reasoning. "You're Jogarth as well as Fendiq! You'll learn soon enough, that that, counts for a lot more, than you think! Though I will agree, that he is stupid. Very stupid.

He could easily have been caught.” She grinned. “That would have been something to see!" Margise was not amused. Van Ea shifted to move away from them. "If it was him of course.“ They could say nothing, they had no absolute proof.

Colfra had fallen asleep, he had not seen the figure, enter and slip something into the glass laid on the cabinet next to Anora? Some sips of it, taken by her as he held it to her mouth? No it would be some time later, when suddenly Colfra was awoken by a cold flush of air across his face.

He turned to see Anora in the Galleria, as she went to step up onto the ledge? Colfra tore after her, at speed. Anora had raised her arms, flayed them out as though some bird about to fly away. “Nooooo.“ Hisses Colfra. He went to grab her. Stumbling, to be flung forward, hitting the floor. Above him, the figure of Anora, as she wobbled.

Across from her in another Knurling, Becci was talking to Rolanda, Caidra with Cistera and Ocasa. Ocasa was not listening to them, he was glancing across at their Knurling. They were directly opposite the domicile occupied by? We already know, that each domicile, has its own Galleria. Allowing Kets to sit out, enjoy the sunshine, Accessible by opening the, as we would know it 'glass' panel, that slides to one side, to allow you through.

A figure moving to try and stand on the ledge? How crazy could that be? Suddenly he could see the figure much clearer. He screamed. Their voices died away to silence. Eyes now turning, wondering what had gotten his attention. Howls, on realising WHO, the figure of the Ket was, about to plunge to her death?

It was and WHERE they were. Just like Colfra, Becci’s words NOOOO. On her lips, when she moved to shove her hands forward as from them appeared two streams of bluish energy? The glass door to the Galleria disintegrated. The sound of collapsing glass. From her hands, two bolts of energy slapped into Anora.

The energy washing across her flung her back, just as, one might add, Colfra was climbing to his feet only to get the full oncoming force of her weight against him. Seconds later she was on top of poor Colfra, with him grabbing at her, to keep her from struggling and as he would remind her later, much to the other Kets amusement, cussing at him.

Inside he calmed her down and called a Medisent who appeared seconds before Becci and the others burst into the chamber. Another dose of the same neural toxin? Treated she was now resting. Colfra was in tears. All his fault for having fallen asleep!

Becci was furious. WHY? She demanded to know had she been the last to know of this? Ameryst had discovered from Margise the suspicions Iophan had on Illia. She feared telling Becci knowing full well that she might go after him and once again, face expulsion? Something Carriane would be delighted about. Ameryst moved in closer to Colfra. “Don’t blame yourself, you simply nodded off. With all the stress. We all, know how much you adore Anora. Sides.” She smiled.

"It’s easy to do that, sat trying to stay awake next to someone who SNORES. Reminds me of Edram!“ "As loud as that?" Colfra smiled; nodded. "Ah, well in that case.." Anora sat up glared at them. Accused of snoring. "I don’t.“ “Do." “Don’t.“ Margise interrupted them. “You, need to rest Anora. I’m leaving Becci with you. we only have an hour, until the meeting this afternoon. I also have to go and explain to Serenia about Becci using her powers.“



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