
Jess Corbin’s Authors main web www.jesscorbin.com






©ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. The content on this web may not be copied, transmitted, used in any way shape or form without the consent of the copyright holder Holly Randall Los Angeles USA



Adjacent to the Collonades, as we stepped from the end of that experience, there is an area known as ‘The ‘Knurlings’
The huge round, glass like structures that rise in the air are absolutely MASSIVE! Illuminated, flooding the area with a beautiful vista of colors. Spectacular! Inside with galleries and steps, that hover, shudder; as you step onto them. They take you up to the level where you need to be. Stepping off them, takes a little getting used to! Once you have, it, drops away, to collect the next Ket.

Each RING of the Knurlings, is a separate level with sections housing the domiciles. An apartment is probably an easy way of explaining them. They can be found next to the huge galleries. All of them, have tags that are unique to the four Kets who adopt that particular domicile. With the tag on you. the hatch opens automatically for you. That only works IF your tag is for that domicile.
So, I know you're thinking, what if, friends et drop by? Well the tags can be pre programmed to allow or to block someone from entering.

Inside they’re more than spacious and great views, from the 'Panoramia', windows or screens. However there was NOTHING, furniture, fittings! Nothing! Just an empty, well almost. space. One of the Elder Kets with a special 'Open access' tag enters to show us how to activate the control unit to select HOW we would like the interior to look? Simple to use, as he says, an idiot could use this unit! Totally self explanatory. Leaves us to it! We spend a few minute going through various designs and adding a few tweaks before accepting our final decision,

We have to step outside of the chamber as the hatch closes. Inside, millions of 'mimics' as they are known are now transforming our habitat into how we want it to be. Semi organic particles, fusing within the domicile. As the hatch opens again to let us in? The sight that met our eyes? Took our breath away. I have never come across such tech that allows you to do this!"

Serenia appeared with another female called Kaelos, stuck their heads round the hatch, “Hope you like what you’ve chosen.
You can’t change it for another 24 hours.“ Kaelos stepped in to our domicile. She had some device in her hands, that she now activated. In front of our eyes we watched the 'mimic' particle stream working to produce?. We instantly recognized what it was!

"That remains fixed, cannot be changed, you can however, alter the rest, but only after 24 hours! Cleanser facilities are a must Kets.“ She smiled, looked at Serenia and rolled her eyes. “Only another ninety domiciles to go. Why is it, they always forget about their cleanser facilities. Mind you.“ She grinned. “Storage is also forgotten and that, that can get really interesting.“

Becci looked at Claria. “Sorry Becci. But I don’t know if Margise is allowed.“ Since the stones, we had not seen Margise and I was well upset at her loss. “Its OK.“ Margise? As she stepped into the domicile, arms flung open, I squealed, rushed towards her, hugging her. “They said whilst you settle in, I can stay with you lot. But have to move later, as its frowned upon.“

“Well I insisted there was only THREE of us.“ Claria smiled “But she chose the two recline chambers for her and you.“ Margise moved to the various chambers then laughed. “Fluffy pink?.“ Knowing full well, it was Margise’s fav color. The rest of the day was whiled away with things being delivered by Levients who unloaded then left US! To sort and unpack. This we had to agree, would take some getting used to. Normally we had others to do the menial tasks. .

“We don’t normally do this.“ It was true most Kets, always had some sentient or similar to unpack and sort minor tasks, their things. There was, JUST about enough storage space. That, had been bad planning on their part. They were stuck with the results for the next 24 hours at least, however that was not such a problem. Items stacked in one corner, left until tomorrow?
Few were in the mood, for unpacking other than the essentials.

Some pre programming of friends tags. They drifted in and out, curious to see how they had redesigned their domicile. Surprisingly, there were no fights or other real arguments. A few raised voices, but as said nothing much else.

On arrival the Kets had all been given Sheldes. These could be described, as electronic pads that have a holographic imaging sequencer, plus a stack of other facilities, including diary et, activity schedules and a whole lot more. Plus games and other media applications. Think of it as an advanced version of a tablet that we use now. Far more advanced, sophisticated, in features and tech?

Their galleria. (Each domicile had one.) contained seating and in front of that, one huge, fixed display screen. Four interactive modules, to allow them to use the screen, for games, coms to other Kets in other domiciles or to watch Globecast presentations. Nor forgetting and including Renais Movies. The screen illuminated, flaring into life. The image of a female Ket, welcoming them, before showing them how to use the 'mimic' tech properly and what facilities their Knurling, offered them.

Where, various sections were to be located, for refreshments, best places to do this, to see this, or chill out generally in what are called 'Ovirs'. Small communal areas that provide seating adjacent to what we would know as a cafeteria? A varied menu and that was mainly because Kets eat according to who and where they come from?. It could be said that some of the Ovirs were adopted by certain races. Mainly because it was easier, to have similar species together.

Behavior, culture, food and entertainment taken into consideration. Not that you, if you so wished to do so; could not use that, Ovir. They were all 'Open access.' to any Ket, whoever or wherever they came from! The Akademy encouraged the migration of Kets into the different Ovirs so that they could learn from other races, taste their foods, sample their drinks and be educated by it. Become friends with some who perhaps they might have considered to be anything but.

Lets remember that fear of the unknown, or assuming something that is not, is far worse than actually confronting your fear and discovering, well actually we share the same interest, like the same foods, fashion, music and so on. That is how you make friends.
It is not HOW the look, tentacles an all! Or eyes that are bigger than yours, or in the center of their head or they do not have, as is the case with the Vendarans, noses. They breathe, through what we would know, as 'gills'. Found at the side of their chest.

At this late hour? Most of the Kets, were finding their reclines and settling back on them. Soon, were sound asleep.
The lighting automatically dimmed. Guardians patrolled the exterior and Opticons hovered in the interior outside the domiciles.



Jess Corbin 'Kets Akademy' Vol.1 Arrivals www.qiverse.com/arrivals


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