
Jess Corbin’s Authors main web www.jesscorbin.com






©ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. The content on this web may not be copied, transmitted, used in any way shape or form without the consent of the copyright holder Holly Randall Los Angeles USA




Delise - Ameryst - Edram - Servenea - Mawena.

Sajani - Van Ea - Dario - Kelawi - Bjoi.

Lilia - Doona - Orini - Napa.

Claria had found everyone helping each other! “There’s a lot of water around here and we’ll have to tread the causeway carefully! Its going to be very slippery! “They had been landed in mostly water with a causeway of stone. It was suspected, that not too far ahead, to the side of this, the water became marshland! “I don’t know” Doona remarked.

“About the others and where they were landed, but I think we, have a real challenge in navigating our way out of this!“ “If its marshes ahead then we will have to be extra careful. We could go from hard to soft boggy ground, getting well and truly stuck in seconds. Soft and treacherous.“ “Thanks for that Edram! Nothing like a bit of doom and gloom to cheer us all up.“ There were some murmurs interspersed with laughter. “I can program the nav units, to give us depth and density readings.“

“Might be useful, if we hit softer ground, especially, where possible quick sand, is concerned?” “Your suggestion is a good one, leave it to you Delise!“ Claria smiled as Servenea moved close to Delise. “You’ll need to strip out the small disc at the left of the main core and replace it with a duplicate ‘Pharen’s’ chip.“ He took his nav unit apart and carefully prised out the disc to hand it to her. “Each of the nav units has one only, of those fitted. We will have to sacrifice one of the nav units, but as we have four, I think we can do that.

More than aware, of the possible dangers ahead, they made their way forward, at a steady pace. Soon they were on the land section off the causeway. Claria brought them together “Check packs add nutrients and adjust suits for temperature! Delise will scan ahead for any soft ground. It looks as though we have to cross through a marsh area.“ Minutes later they were headed towards the hut! “How long?” She asked Delise. “Forty five minutes, if we get a move on.“ She glanced back, at Doona and Lilia

“The two smaller ones might not make it so quick, we’d better pace it out. “So she made the ones who were eager to get ahead slow down! Some moaned but generally the atmosphere was good. “Here let me carry that for you. “Doona grabbed the equipment pack off Lilia, making it clear he was happy ot help her out? “You’re really nice thank you. I was finding it a bit heavy.“

Doona was as well but he was putting on a brave face. Napa came up took the packs off him. “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. The others don’t need to know. Besides, this is what team work is all about. Plus it makes it easier for you two to walk at a quicker pace, so does us all a favor, me helping you both out.“

Ibicae leaves, huge green leaves, their veins a pale purple color contrasted strongly against the green. Minutes later they were well into the marshland. Delise was insisting in slowing down, taking care as they picked their way through in the direction they needed to go, only deviating once from their projected course. That was necessary due to the possibility of the ground being dangerously soft. Waterlogged. “You can tell that by the change in the plant life.”

“True. Very true Edram. Aquatic plants such as the Ibicae only grow in a semi water semi soil environment. Most like lakeside locations or marshland environments. You never step on one of those. Unless you want a swim that is.“ “Or swallowed up by quicksand to the side of them.“ “Of course. I almost forgot that. We’ll have to divert away from them. The further the better.“

“Ibicae?” “You can always identify them by their HUGE dark green leaves. Large water tubor stems. They can grow in ideal conditions to over 9 feet in height. Surprisingly they were making good time. “What ever is that smell?“ It was Doona who now sniffed the air around him, starting to wobble as he felt, very light headed. Edram not far behind him, noticed him stumble. He grabbed out at him, steadied him, shouting to the others. “Gas! I think its probably, Caforian Marsh gas.“ The response was almost automatic, they activated the suits to process the gas.

Their air was purified and the Kets were now feeling a lot better. Kelawi had swept Lilia up into her arms, carrying her at a good pace out of the danger. Likewie the rest of them moving a lot faster to clear the area. Bjoi was carrying Doona who he found a lot lighter than he had expected! “OK. Sensors indicate we are out of trouble where the gas is concerned.“ Delise nodded. “We can deactivate the suit processing nodules.” “Why didn’t the suits warn us?“ Delise had taken the small band off her wrist and was now studying it. “They must have known. Sensors have been tampered with. They wanted to see how we responded, how we would react.“ “One thing with Doona the size he is.“

Edram was grinning. “A definite vantage point for us, his nose being closer to the ground where the gas is rising from. Early warning system .. “ The others were laughing. Claria moved over to Doona. “No one is making fun of you Doona, not forgetting Lilia of course. Sometimes having your eyes, ears, noses closer to the ground is a good thing! For us, could have been worse if not spotted sooner. Believe me my senses would not have been long in detecting it but they’re right. You saved us an awful lot of embrarassment, should we have been delayed any longer, most of us would have collapsed, fallen asleep.“

Imperitannica : Caforian Marsh gas isn’t life threatening to the majority of Kets, BUT it does cause them to hallucinate AND fall asleep. It takes some time for the gas to work its way out of the body of most Kets.

"We could have lost half of our team, crazy if not totally inactive for hours. In one hit.“ Lilia moved closer to Doona. "You feeling better?" He smiled. "Good! I have to admit, at one point I thought it was Edram's feet I was smelling!" The others started to laugh. Edram went a funny shade of red.

Claria was looking around at the rocky area with the marshlands behind them. Several caves? Perfect for making camp.“Over by the entrance to that one.“ Below, where the hut was? They were being watched by Narya and some of her team. "Well we know where you lot are." The others, she was waiting on her spies to report back.



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