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©ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. The content on this web may not be copied, transmitted, used in any way shape or form without the consent of the copyright holder Holly Randall Los Angeles USA



Another Herald who walked in front of him, A second close to him, behind him. The figure moved into the main centre isle. Continued walking, slowly towards the podium, stepping past Hoki. ‘Hoki hasn’t been noticed! Still it was known, that his eyesight had deteriorated with age? She watched him continue on past them.

Suddenly, he stopped. By now there were, almost all of those present watching and a deadly hush, as he turned his eyes moved to where Hoki was sat.

He moved back to stand opposite her, peering at her. His voice clear, distinct rang out. “Who, WHO dares to bring a Simeron into this hall?” Heliera put her arm round Hoki, she was shaking as Heliera stammered. “I. I do, it is my doing.“ Aifen stared at Arianne sneered at her.

“Your guest? I told you. TROUBLE. Now you’re for it.“ He started to grin. Arianne glared at him then moved her head back to watch what was happening.

It was Heliera in full flow, her vocal chords sounding off, not even pausing to catch her breath. “This sire is Hoki and my FRIEND and my GUEST an I didn’t mean to break the rules. If you wish her to leave, then I must leave as well.” She squeezed Hoki’s hand, pulling her close to her. Hoki still shaking? Fearful of what was about to happen. She was worried, not about herself but for Hellera, her friend. Expulsion? “What makes you, think that I would ask your friend, Hoki, to leave?”

Aifren had moved, towards Hoki. He, it could be said by some, shoved past the Herald to stand in front of them, rudely interrupting. “I have already warned them, told them but they chose to ignore me. New Kets may not bring strangers into the main hall on such occasions as this, it is forbidden.“ The Edict elect turned to glare at him. “Heralds escort this rude Ket back to his seat.” His eyes shifted back to Hoki and Heliera.

“So you would sacrifice your place here at the Akademy to bring in YOUR guest YOUR friend a Simeron and share your food?”

Heliera’s face was showing defiance though she was absolutely terrified. “Yes.“ He moved stepping back, to shift his cloak to one side, as his hands reached up to move an object from between the folds of his coat. As it glowed, on Hoki the small pendant around her neck also glowed. She was startled, taken by surprise. He smiled. “It, has been over two hundred years, since I sat at table to sup with a Simeron, a FRIEND and MY GUEST and yes.“

He smiled. “I too almost ended up in trouble for it. That same defiance in my eyes so long ago. The same look and sense of purpose, I see in your eyes. However I carry a gift, I believe Hoki knows what this is and maybe, just maybe, it is time I let go of it and gave it to someone else to have, who I know, by their actions here today; deserves to have it. Someone I know will value it as much as I always have.“ Extending his hand, he gave the pendant to Hoki.

If unfolding events, had surprised them, there was more to come. He spoke to her in her own language. “What YOU do with that pendant? Is your choice, only you can decide if Princess Heliera is worthy of such a gift. It will tie you together for life. As it did with my friend who also was a Simeron. NBaskis, sadly no longer with us. I suspected that one day this day would come and I am truly pleased that it has..“

Hoki moved stepping back behind Heliera. Taking hold of the pendant she placed it around Heliera’s neck, securing it. Leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. Turned back and spoke to him for several minutes in her own language. Only they could understand what was being said? Heliera? She suddenly realized she could understand every word!

The pendant had given her the gift of tongue, of being able to understand Hoki’s language as though she had always spoken it! They finished talking as the Elect smiled, bowed and left them to walk down to the front to turn and face the Kets. “We are, tonight, truly honored. I am proud to see once again, gracing this hall, a link between us and the Simeron. I was fortunate to have that bond with the Simeron. NOW? I am proud to see our link restored thanks to the bond, now shared between those two.

One that has not been, sadly, I have to say, for over 50 years. This Akademy was founded on their world and thanks, to their generosity, you are all here today. Let me make it clear to ALL Kets, tutors, whoever re the Akademy.

If some." He glared at Aifren. "Had bothered to read ALL of the terms of the Original charter, not the cut down version often shown. That is clearly states, A Simeron will NEVER, be refused nor denied entry, to anywhere in the Akademy. Never denied respect as you would your fellow Ket. Food, shelter, whatever the Akademy has to offer.

Some of you, will scorn them, because of their size. Their very appearance. Yet they, possess more than most of you will ever have, in power beyond your comprehension, in knowledge. As for Princess Heliera. You are to be congratulated. I am rarely taken by surprise. You have shown great courage. Demonstrated, the reason why, a Simeron would chose to give you such a potent gift. I suspect from the bond you share, but also because she saw in you courage to stand up for her, even with the belief, that it might have you expelled." He paused.

“Enough. It is time we continued the meal. Why, you are here this evening, is to remind the new Kets, that this is the start of our annual ‘Festival of sound.’ Fufesta. I expect we shall see some talented musicians coming to the fore this week. In the meantime, lets eat and enjoy the performance from some of the Academy’s finest.“ He bowed, turned to sit at the high table with the other members of the council elect as now Heliera and the others relaxed with Hoki smiling, to listen to a musical performance from selected ‘Elder Kets’.

It was later, in Heliera's domicile, they were sat drinking their hot (chocolate) that Hoki flapped her wings, to look at Heliera and whisper. “Its been really good, but I have to go, or they will wonder, what has happened to me.” “It’s still snowing out there.” Claria pointed to the screen. The flakes were pretty big. “You can’t fly. We, can’t use the transporters.“ Hoki seemed unperturbed by the fuss? She moved closer, to Heliera. The pendant on her and the one on Heliera, glowed. “Wish me safely home?” Heliera reluctant as she was to see Hoki leave, did just that. A soft flood of light, with Hoki immersed in it, as it faded Hoki was gone.

“Uh?” So that was it . The power of the pendant, could, combined with Hoki’s, do all sorts of amazing things, including acting as a conduit between Hoki and Heliera. In Heliera’s mind, she could hear Hoki’s voice. “Goodnight.“ Followed by a giggle. “Its snowing here as well.“ Claria laid back, beneath her covers. She hissed at Heliera. “Hoki’s really cute.”

The Edict Elect, was sat on his own, the lights turned down, the window screens showing the outside world with the snow falling. He sipped his drink, remembering the first time, he had made friends with the Simeron. He sensed that Hoki had realized, when the pendants had illuminated, that her great grandparent, was his close friend. So he had died; well they didn’t live as long as his people. Still another ten years and he too, would be going to meet his creator. It had felt right, letting go; to pass it on. Somehow, he knew, Hoki and Princess Heliera, would someday sit back and remember as well.

Some of the moments, just like the one’s he had shared with his friend? She was going to be surprised by the power that pendant had. he had also realized that Hoki had taken great risks in coming here. Without the powers of the second pendant, she had been vulnerable. He had to admire her courage and determination, which had made him, realize the bond between Hoki and Heliera, was the same as he had shared with Nbaskis. Yes. He, had been put on the spot, told to choose.

Just like Heliera he had stood for what he believed to be right and certainly NOT, to desert his friend. Passed the test? The turning point. Nbaskis had gifted him with the pendant. He, had never left this world, he saw no point, for everything he could ever have wanted, was here. Yet he knew Princess Heliera was different, her home world, her mother, the legendary Queen Velicia. An amazing Queen, who inspired culture, who relished art and beauty. yet, sponsored traditional values. GOOD solid values, amongst her people, which had made her, not just popular, but loved.

It was time the Simeron traveled outside of this world? Perhaps, the time would come, when Hoki would be the first of their kind, in over 1000 years, to do just that. Princess Heliera would be ideal to the task ahead. No matter how hard you try, nothing in this universe of ours stands still forever. Out in the vastness of space, in the galaxies beyond, the wars continued, the same slavery, strife and horrors of daily life and yet still love, friendship, hope and charity.

For some the endless suffering, pain, the sadness. Should the light pierce the darkness, to bring hope to lift the despair to set free and to give birth to those who would one day kindle the sacred flame, to be remembered not just for who they were but for what they did, how good was that? To help others, a moment in time, a smile, a hand outstretched in friendship, in love, in compassion, sharing and caring that would last beyond time itself.

Yet as always, the eternal balance of good and evil, sometimes altered, to suit someone’s purposes could be tipped in their favor. If you had the money, someone could always provide the means, especially where evil was concerned. In the domicile, Illia moved towards the recline unit, next to the Ket, who was fast asleep. A glass of water on the side unit? He took the vial from his pocket, used a dropper to drip some into the water. Sealed the vial, tucked it back into his cloak inner pocket and left. The Ket woke, a noise? No one there. She reached out took hold of the glass of water and sipped at it, popped the glass back onto the unit and went back to sleep.



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