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©ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. The content on this web may not be copied, transmitted, used in any way shape or form without the consent of the copyright holder Holly Randall Los Angeles USA



The temple area is a very special site. Situated to one side of the Akademy, it occupies what is known and respected as a ‘Quiet’ zone. Kets can visit temples based on religion, religious beliefs or to get solitude. Meditation. Seek advice or comfort from the priests, priestesses. Heliera from the Psemon Empire has always worshipped their DEITY called ‘Picarinaa ‘ P ca naa is how its pronounced. To her people she symbolizes PEACE, PROSPERITY, GOOD FORTUNE, LOVE and HAPPINESS.

A lot of Kets, have their own temples but seldom use them. Some HAVE to attend, they are bound by LAWS or TRADITIONS that have remained. Often true to their chosen faith. Sometimes WARS break out over RELIGION and BELIEFS because one side won’t tolerate or accept another race’s beliefs or practices. Many races RESPECT each others beliefs and that is called DIVERSITY because it encompasses not just RELIGION and BELIEFS but other culture and practices as a race.

Though some are very similar and may even be descended from the same ‘seed’ they may be different in lots of ways including foods they eat, what they drink and how they live their lives. Trade and travel amongst the races, across the galaxies, spreads their beliefs, their culture, their traditions. Goods can travel long distances where maybe they will fetch better prices or the exchanges may be more to the liking or needs of the race concerned. Priests and priestesses may also have extra powers and can sometimes help resolve disputes even between other races.

Its easy to be INTOLERANT. That is, to look at another race and to judge them, BASED on our OWN way of doing things, or saying things, as primitive or backward. ’Heathens’? Sometimes CRUEL SAVAGE and UNJUST. Enforcing their will with force, with violence. The problem is far deeper when it comes to us wanting THEM, to be like us. To adopt OUR ways, to THINK like us, DO as we DO? Maybe, because it makes us, feel more comfortable around them, or simply because, it bolsters our EGO?

To enforce, intimidate or bully them, to our way of thinking or doing? Many races remain suspicious of each other! Some, sometimes with good reason, are wary of the HUMANA or humans who traveled out from Earth, centuries ago, to colonise planets and places in the galaxies. They kept their Humana traits. To steal, cheat, or to take by force. To subjugate, intimidate and bully, is NOT the way to exist peacefully with your new neighbors.

It was not, until great travelers like Tolgani and Sepurna that it dawned on the Humana and other races, that the Humana, were defensive simply because they could not allow themselves to TRUST others! To ACCEPT their word, as a token of faith of wanting to HELP or to be FRIENDS, because they looked different, were different, spoke differently or ate weird and wonderful things. How about dressing differently and of course what about their faith, their beliefs?

Once Humana started to TRUST and accept other races, for who they were, respected and proved, that when it came to other races cultures, beliefs and more. They discovered NEW FRIENDS and in return, gained TRUST and RESPECT. The rewards being trade, travel between worlds and sharing. Teaching of survival skills, imparting of experience and knowledge, invaluable facts, figures, maps, essential basics.

It’s a hard lesson to learn, for some, that WHO you are, is important, to you and your race. Individuality is fine so long as you accept there are times when you have to be part of a team, a society or a race where some are concerned to be of any significance to them. Let alone to yourself! Also strength in numbers can prevent others from enslaving you or disrespecting your laws, your culture and more. If we were all IDENTICAL, in every detail, how aweful would that be!

That uniqueness in your differences whether it’s your skin color, your hair color, your eye color, the dimple or the pimple. who you are? BUT none of those things count for anything in comparison to WHO YOU ARE beneath the skin. Many races will NOT allow discrimination on race, color or creed, that also includes gender. The Humana some found disgusting beings, for their discriminatory traits, found in colonies established in off worlds.

Galactic courts and similar don’t try criminals or wrong doers, on their color. It is illegal to even mention in courts that it was a black, a white, a green, a blue colored individual. “This being committed the crime of. OR so and so from so and so; committed the crime of. Discrimination should NEVER exist! COLOR, RACE or CREED, nor on GENDER.



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